Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Rise of Labour Workforce and Protection of Labour †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Rise of Labour Workforce and Protection of Labour. Answer: Primary focus and the problem explored The primary focus of the paper is on the rise of labour workforce under just-in-time approach that led to crowd work, on-demand work and the protection of labour under gig-economy. The paper mainly explored the problem associated with the labour relations and the working condition of the workers. Changing nature of work and its impact on workers lives The gig-economy and its importance have been exponentially increased in last few years. However, its impact on the labour rights has been widely overlooked. Work under gig-economy involves on-demand-work through apps, crowd work that leads to matching of supply and demand of working activities through mobile apps or online. These work forms can lead to commoditisation of the work. However, problems associated with these types of works are some of these types of jobs lead to competition as more number of persons is simultaneously working on the same project and the clients select and pay for the best product only. Further, some of them operate on first come-first-served-basis. Moreover, in some situations, no relationship between the client and worker exist, the worker performs the task and paid through the gateway. Finally, the complexity and nature of tasks to be performed significantly varies even within the same platform (De Stefano, 2016). Strengths and weaknesses The main strength of this system is it enables the work-on-demand through apps for traditional jobs like cleaning, transport and clerical works allocation through the mobile apps. The businesses which are running these apps intervene normally through setting the minimum quality for the service standards and management and selection of workforce. However, the main weaknesses of this system is the Gig economy is that it is not exclusive concerns for the business of labour advocates and the businesses are very attentive to this issues. Further, conditions and terms for utilisation of the apps and platforms explicitly specify that the relationship among the persons running the app or business and the person executing work (The Emergence of the Gig Economy, 2016). Another argument is that the strong links under gig economy with wider trends for the labour markets like work accommodation, in-formalisation of formal economy and demutualisation of the risks shall not be overlooked for designating the comprehensive solution to adhere the labour problems in future and modern labour markets. Issues emerged from the case study It is recognized from the study that for promoting the labour protection under the gig-economy, 1st thing that is required is the strong advocacy for having the jobs in the working sector to fully recognize it. This step is required for encountering the strong risk for commoditization to practice. Further, the gig-economy shall not be conceived as separate silo under the economy (De Stefano, 2016). References DE STEFANO, V. (2016). The rise of the just-in-time workforce: On-demand work, crowdwork and labour protection in the gig-economy. 1st ed. [ebook] Geneva: International labour office. Available at: https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---ed_protect/---protrav/---travail/documents/publication/wcms_443267.pdf [Accessed 6 Aug. 2017]. The Emergence of the Gig Economy. (2016). [ebook] Ai Group Workforce development. Available at: https://cdn.aigroup.com.au/Reports/2016/Gig_Economy_August_2016.pdf [Accessed 6 Aug. 2017].

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