Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Dominant Masculinity over Fragile Femininity in Pornography Essay

Dominant Masculinity over Fragile Femininity in Pornography - Essay Example The book Getting Off: Pornography and the End of Masculinity by Robert Jensen show predominant humiliation of women through pornography and its mass production.First and foremost, one should agree with Jensen in his argument on the end of masculinity through constant mortification of the female honor. The author is straight-forward in what pornography symbolizes for everybody. It is a mirrored look of how men see women (Jensen 122). In fact, the author gives lots of examples coincided with his personal stories so as to make the whole thing really personal for each reader. The use of gang-bangs and other porn scenes where male dominance is obvious characterizes pornography as a means to make men senseless toward women and become more aggressive instead.Notably, Jensen speaks on the issue of female fragility in a sad tone. In this respect, many episodes from his book reflect on why women are so easy to be subject to men’s obscenity and aggression. Jensen gives his way of reasoni ng on this issue, namely: â€Å"It hurts to know that no matter who you are as a woman, you can be reduced to a thing to be penetrated and that men will buy movies about that† (Jensen 14)†¦ This is a so-called interpretation that a woman’s body has become valuable solely due to its option of being penetrated by means of violent fellatio, double or triple penetrations, etc. Once again, the male dominance goes without saying in this context.It is about time to think of current generations of boys. Porn movies impose a huge desire to be aggressive and senseless toward girls on them so that to call those girls just whores as a result. Needless to say, all porn movies are normally misogynistic. The role of a man is not that important to the audience of viewers, but the way in which a woman oohing and aahing having male genitals in different parts of her body. Thus, the youngest layers of the society inherit the need for being rude and first-class (boys) and the need to comply with such attitudes (girls). As a matter of fact, such behaviors are already included in the social construct. It is a complete model of men-women interaction at every stage of their communication up to some intimate moments, so to speak.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Literature mary shellys frankenstein Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Literature mary shellys frankenstein - Essay Example It didn’t take but a few moments for me to realize the logical extrapolation of the relevancy of Frankenstein. While Victor Frankenstein’s fictional undertaking took place in the early 19th century, the same story line- blindly ambitious genius creates a scientific marvel that becomes the source of his mental destruction- has been and is still seen throughout history. In the mid 19th century, Alfred Nobel developed dynamite. His invention made earth-moving projects extremely more affordable, and ushered in a new era of major construction projects. But his ambition to create the world’s best explosive had a dark side. Dynamite would become incorporated into weapons of war, used in assassination attempts, and the cause of many accidental deaths. Alfred Nobel would become haunted by his creation, however, and became especially remorseful, even terrified, when a mistaken obituary made him realize the world thought of him as the creator of a tool of destruction. From then on, Nobel’s creation haunted him, and he sought to make up for what he felt bad for creating, and thus donated most of his wealth to the creation of the Nobel Prize Foundation ( Thus, Alfred Nobel, after the fictional Frankenstein, embodied the same general story as the novel. Another, more contemporary example of the relevancy of Frankenstein is the scientist J. ... Oppenheimer, however, would come to be haunted by his creation, just as Victor Franken was. Therefore, Oppenheimer serves as another more contemporary example of the relevancy of Frankenstein today. Of course, the previous examples have not been extremely modern, but this is because we can only see the overlying theme when looking back. Today, Frankenstein is even more relevant since we have even more problems to solve. Increasing technology makes our research more efficient, and this improved rate of research has allowed us to tackle the big questions, like if we have free will, what dark matter is, and how the universe was created ( The solution to questions like these could have even larger ramifications than Frankenstein faced. Say, for instance, that a champion of research undertook an ambitious campaign and managed to discover the reality of dark matter, and was subsequently able to harness it and generate massive amounts of power. But some rogue governme nt, like North Korea, got ahold of the technology, and was able to develop a super weapon. Dark matter then would be developed by all nations with a large military program, The USA, China, Russia, India, etc. all have their own programs, and through research and espionage most major nations of the world get ahold of these dark matter super weapons, which are then used in wars around the globe, making killing even easier. I could see that original researcher would be haunted by the destruction being caused by his creation, and would live perpetually tormented much like Victor Frankenstein. Now we must examine whether promoting blind ambition is still worth it. Do the pros outweigh the cons of these creations, be if